What happened to Adrian Jones, was he fed to pigs by his father Michael and stepmum and where is his

A DEPRAVED dad and stepmum will spend their lives behind bars after inflicting nine months of vile abuse on their young son.

Here we look at the harrowing case of little Adrian Jones, who died at the hands of evil Michael and Heather Jones.

What happened to Adrian Jones?

Adrian Jones, seven, was beaten until he bled, forced to stand in freezing water and strapped to a board while blindfolded by evil Michael and Heather Jones, who will spend their life behind bars after justice was served.

The once-happy-go-lucky child was subjected to nine months of vile abuse that would eventually kill him.

Dad Michael, 46, placed blindfolded Adrian in stress positions for hours at a time.

The little lad was submerged up to his neck in filthy, freezing water and his ankles were so badly battered they bent out of shape.

All the while Heather, who callously referred to Adrian as ‘the boy’, gleefully documented the torture on film.

Adrian’s remains were found in November 2015 by cops who were called to reports Jones had shot his wife and learned he had not been seen for months.

Prosecutors said it was the most heinous abuse case they had ever seen.

Was Adrian Jones fed to pigs by his father Michael?

The evil pair fed his body to pigs in one final act of malice.

They denied Adrian the final dignity of a proper burial, instead tossing his "bag of bones" body to pigs in an effort to conceal their crimes.

His remains were found near a barn where Jones and his wife Heather kept pigs and chickens at their rented home in Piper, Kansas, US.

Police investigator Detective Stuart Littlefield confirmed publicly for the first time that "what was left of (Adrian's body) was fed to his pigs."

Heather Jones’ dad Jeff Coon told Kansas City News his daughter called him on Thanksgiving 2015 and said they had killed the little boy and “fed him to the pigs”, warning it would be “all over the news”.

Coon hadn’t seen his estranged daughter or the boy for two years, and said she was “just calm” when explaining what they had done.

He added: “I just don’t understand what that little boy had done to get what he got. There’s no reason for it.”

Jones, 46, pleaded guilty to first degree murder and was handed a life stretch with a minimum term of 25 years.

Heather, Adrian's 31-year-old stepmum, was jailed for a minimum of 25 years after she admitted murder and child cruelty last year.

Seven other children aged between one and ten were taken into protective custody.

Where is Adrian’s mother?

Adrian's biological mother, Dainna Pearce, lost custody of him and two of his siblings years ago.

She told Jones: "I pray you have a long, tortured life in prison.”

Dainna, grandma Judy Conway and older sister Kiki Doctor were even denied the dignity of Michael looking them in the eye as he pleaded guilty to his crimes.

He turned his chair away from them, never making eye contact as they addressed the judge.

The late boy's 21-year-old sister told Jones: “You do not deserve a second chance.

"You do not deserve sunlight as a free man."

Judy Conway, Adrian’s maternal grandmother, she felt “relieved” Jones had finally confessed.

She told the Kansas City Star: “It makes me pretty happy.

“I’m relieved that he and Heather will hopefully be behind bars for the rest of their life.

"It won’t bring Adrian back, of course, but it makes me feel really good that neither one can hurt another child again.”

Judy Conway said last week that she finally brought herself to look at videos and photos that showed the abuse Adrian suffered.

Were child services warned?

Child services have been accused of failing Adrian Jones after his ordeal continued for an astonishing nine months without any intervention.

His gran even claims red flags were raised as early as three years before he was killed.

Shocking details of the abuse only came to light after his body had been fed to and devoured by pigs in 2015.

But Jessica McMaster, a reporter for 41 Action News who followed the story closely, told Crime Online numerous people claimed to have contacted the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DFC) about Adrian’s case.

His grandmother, Judy Conway, said she contacted the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DFC) twice since she last saw the youngster in 2012, over concerns about a lack of access to her grandchild.

McMaster explained: “When they moved to this home they would not tell (Judy) where they lived. Probably because they knew what they were going to do.”

Detective Mark Bundy, who investigated the case, said evil Michael and Heather moved house constantly to avoid their abuse being detected.

DCF Secretary Phyllis Gilmore said in a statement: “DCF had worked closely with the Missouri Department of Social Services in providing multiple services to the Jones family.

“This family moved frequently between Kansas and Missouri, which greatly disrupted continuity of services and evaluation.

“It is very difficult to assist families who are constantly transient, especially those who move across state lines and thereby deprive the State of any jurisdiction.

“DCF has not been able to publicly release Adrian Jones’ records, as they remain under seal pursuant to court order.”

Reporter McMaster added the local police department were never notified about concerns on the property where Adrian lived.

“The only people who didn’t fail this boy was the Kansas City, Kansas, police department," she added.

