Australia faces chartering jet to deport British wife-killer, 66, after he went into rage and caused

  • Keith Herring abused crew, smashed TV, broke phone and urinated in cell
  • Private plane set to cost taxpayers £600,000 after he is booted off jets
  • Monster moaned he had a heart condition and accommodation was 'dirty'
  • Judge branded criminal a man of ‘an extraordinarily manipulative nature.’



Vile British killer Keith Herring may have to be deported to the UK on a chartered flight after twice wreaking havoc on commercial jets in Australia.

The murderer had spent 22 years locked up after drowning his wife at their Sydney home in 1989.

Yesterday the 66-year-old had to be removed from a Thai Airways flight at Sydney airport after he spat at a crew member, smashed a TV monitor, tore a telephone from a phone seat, screamed abuse at passengers, urinated in a holding cell and tried the same in an aisle.

Keith Herring terrorised passengers and crew at Sydney airport until he was kicked off his flight

Keith Herring terrorised passengers and crew at Sydney airport until he was kicked off his flight

Now Australian authorities are considering paying for a private jet to fly him back to Britain – at an estimated cost of $1million - £600,000 - to Australian taxpayers.

He caused similar problems the day before on a Qantas jet.


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That resulted in three security guards and an immigration official boarding the plane to take him off to prevent further alarm to passengers.

Britons convicted of serious crimes in Australia are almost always deported to the UK once they have served their time. But Herring has shown his determination to remain in Australia.

Australian authorities hoped killer Herring would have a swift departure but he had other plans

Australian authorities hoped the killer would have a swift departure but he had other plans

After his release from jail he was moved to Villawood Detention Centre, on the edge of Sydney, to await deportation.

From there launched a determined fight to remain in Australia.

He took his case to the Federal Court. But this week he lost his bid to stay and was escorted to the Qantas jet.

But his wild and abusive behaviour frightened passengers and crew so much he was escorted from the plane, Sydney’s Daily Telegraph reported today.

A second attempt to fly him to Britain, this time on a Thai Airways jet, also failed. Once again he verbally abused passengers and crew.

In a phone call with the paper earlier this year Herring admitted for the first time he was guilty of murder and complained about his accommodation.

‘I caused a death. I paid my time,’ he said.

‘The rooms are dirty, the areas we live in are dirty. I have a heart condition I am waiting for an operation.’

During Herring’s unsuccessful 1995 appeal against his conviction,  Supreme Court Judge Jeremy Badgery-Parker claimed he had ‘an extraordinarily manipulative nature.’

Worried he will try to cause further mayhem on another commercial flight, the Australian authorities are considering their options to get rid of the killer.

The alternative to paying for a private plane is to book rows of seats on a regular flight to isolate him.

That would also cost tens of thousands of pounds.

A spokesman for Australia’s Immigration Department insisted they were examining all options ‘for the removal of this client at the earliest opportunity and in the most cost effective way.’

The brute was finally removed from the airport but Australia insists he will go

The brute was removed from the airport but Australia insists he will go back to Britain

He added: ‘Misbehaviour in no way deters the department.’

Herring already had a prison record when he was granted a migration visa to Australia in the early 1990s. In the UK he had been convicted for assault and grievous bodily harm.

In Australia, he was convicted of killing his Philippine-born wife in the swimming pool of their Sydney home in 1995.

He claimed he was innocent but the prosecution said bruises on her head pointed to foul play.

During his trial Herring exposed himself, called the prosecutor a ‘fat slug’ and leapt from the dock at the judge.

In jail he committed numerous offences, mainly assault and intimidation.

His behaviour - on top of the murder conviction - assured him of deportation once he walked free.

But the refusal by commercial pilots to fly Herring may leave the Australian government with no option but to choose the expensive option for fly him alone but for his police minders.
