Augustana student held without bond in child pornography case

Emmeline Kenealy, the Augustana College student accused of three counts of reproducing child pornography with a victim under age 13, made an appearance in Rock Island County Court Tuesday morning for a preliminary hearing.

Kenealy appeared in court with her attorney, Clark Miljush. Hany Khoury, her public defender, filed to withdraw from the case. She entered a plea of not guilty and waived her right to a preliminary hearing and to have the charges against her read in court.

Judge Frank Furh admonished her that a warrant would be issued if she missed her next court appearance, and the state could go to trial without her.

Miljush asked the court to reconsider Kenealy’s pretrial release, saying she was not a risk and police officers had all her electronic devices. However, prosecuting attorney M. Jesse Brockway argued that Kenealy was a flight risk because she has no family or employment ties to the area and the charges were serious.

Brockway said nothing had changed since Kenealy’s last hearing.

Judge Fuhr ordered Kenealy to continue to be held in the Rock Island County Jail with no bond. Her next appearance is a pretrial hearing on Nov. 16.
