Fame | Grover Norquist net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Grover Norquist? When is Grover Norquist's birthday? Where is Grover Norquist born? Where did Grover Norquist grow up from? What's Grover Norquist's age?

Grover Norquist Born: October 19, 1956 (age 66years), Sharon, Pennsylvania, United States

Is Grover Norquist married? When did Grover Norquist get married? Who's Grover Norquist's married to? (Who's Grover Norquist's husband / wife)?

Grover Norquist Spouse: Samah Norquist (m. 2004)

Does Grover Norquist have any children? What are the names of Grover Norquist's children? What are the ages of Grover Norquist's children?

Grover Norquist Children: Grace Norquist, Giselle Norquist

How about Grover Norquist's education?

Grover Norquist Education: Harvard University (19741978), MORE

How about Grover Norquist's party?

Grover Norquist Party: Republican Party

How about Grover Norquist's founded organization?

Grover Norquist Founded organization: Americans for Tax Reform, Islamic Free Market Institute

What is the Norquest pledge?

In the midterm campaign year of 1986, Norquist rolled out the Taxpayer Protection Pledge as a way to pressure candidates to support Reagan's tax agenda, and as a cudgel for Republicans to wield against Democrats on the campaign trail. "We intend to make tax reform permanent," Norquist explained that year.
