How old is Grover Norquist? When is Grover Norquist's birthday? Where is Grover Norquist born? Where did Grover Norquist grow up from? What's Grover Norquist's age?
Grover Norquist Born: October 19, 1956 (age 66years), Sharon, Pennsylvania, United States
Is Grover Norquist married? When did Grover Norquist get married? Who's Grover Norquist's married to? (Who's Grover Norquist's husband / wife)?
Grover Norquist Spouse: Samah Norquist (m. 2004)
Does Grover Norquist have any children? What are the names of Grover Norquist's children? What are the ages of Grover Norquist's children?
Grover Norquist Children: Grace Norquist, Giselle Norquist
How about Grover Norquist's education?
Grover Norquist Education: Harvard University (19741978), MORE
How about Grover Norquist's party?
Grover Norquist Party: Republican Party
How about Grover Norquist's founded organization?
Grover Norquist Founded organization: Americans for Tax Reform, Islamic Free Market Institute
What is the Norquest pledge?
In the midterm campaign year of 1986, Norquist rolled out the Taxpayer Protection Pledge as a way to pressure candidates to support Reagan's tax agenda, and as a cudgel for Republicans to wield against Democrats on the campaign trail. "We intend to make tax reform permanent," Norquist explained that year.