Jello Biafra

Learn about Jello Biafra Net Worth, Biography, Age, Birthday, Height, Early Life, Family, Dating, Partner, Wiki and Facts.

Who is Jello Biafra:

Jello Biafra is a famous Punk Singer. He was born on June 17, 1958 and his birthplace is Boulder, CO. Jello is also well known as, Former lead singer of the punk rock band The Dead Kennedys, as well as a solo musician and spoken word poet. He co-founded the Alternative Tentacle record label in 1979.

Jello is originated from United States. Biafra and Bryan Dexter Holland of The Offspring collaborated on the album Ixnay on the Hombre.


Bio / Wiki
Full NameJello Biafra
Date of BirthJune 17, 1958
Place of BirthBoulder, CO
Star SignGemini
CountryUnited States

Birthday, Age & Zodiac Sign:

Jello Biafra birthday is on 17-Jun-58 and he was born on Tuesday. He is now 65 years old. Jello sun sign is Gemini and his birth flower is Rose or Honeysuckle.

Birth date17-Jun
Day of BirthTuesday
Year of Birth1958
Birth SignGemini
Birth Sign DualityAssertive
Birth Sign Modality & ElementMutable Air
Opposite SignSagittarius

Height, Weight & Physical Stats:

Jello Biafra is 5 feet 8 inches tall.

Height1.75 m ( 5′ 8″ )
Bust – Waist – HipN/A
Hair ColorN/A
Eye ColorN/A
Shoe SizeN/A

Early Life and Family:

Before he was famous, He studied acting and history at the University of Santa Cruz. His first punk band was The Healers, which he joined in the late 1970s. His relationship status is single.

Family Information
Parents Name
Spouse NameN/A
Children Name
Number of Children(s)N/A
Partner NameN/A
Relative(s) Name



Jello Biafra Net Worth:

Jello Biafra net worth or net income is estimated to be $500 Thousand dollars. He has made such amount of wealth from his primary career as Musician, Politician, Singer, Actor, Songwriter.

Net Worth$500 Thousand
Annual SalaryN/A
Source of IncomePunk Singer
Verification Status of WealthVerified

Dead or Alive?

According to wikipedia latest update, he is still alive.

Quick Facts:

Here are some interesting facts about Jello Biafra:

* He ran for president during the 2000 presidential election as a member of the Green Party.

* Jello Biafra is a singer and activist.
* Genre and style: Punk rock, Spoken word
* Jello is associated with the following artist or band: Dead Kennedys, Melvins, Revolting Cocks, Mojo Nixon, 1000 Homo DJs, The No WTO Combo, Lard (band), Brujeria (band), Tumor Circus, Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine, The Witch Trials

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Why is Jello Biafra famous?He is famous for being a successful Singer.Where is he from?He is from United States.How tall is he?His height is 5′ 8″How much does he earn?$500 Thousand.Is he married?Single.How many children(s) does he have?N/A.

Reference : Wiki, StarsNetworths, Newspapers.
