'PUBG' Vikendi Secret Cave Guide

PUBG Update 25 was released on Test Servers Wednesday morning, and with it came the appearance of a new Secret Cave full of valuable loot. In this quick guide, we'll tell you where the Vikendi Secret Cave is located and how to get inside.

PUBG Vikendi Secret Cave Location & Entrance

As shown on the map below, the Vikendi Secret Cave is situated directly between Podvosto and Pehkova. You can actually see the formation in the center of the graphic.

With that in mind, the key stumbling block with regard to this cave is that many players haven't been able to find their way inside. It's since been discovered that all you need to do is smash through the entrance with a grenade or vehicle. Inside, you'll see a huge cache of Air Drop supplies with weapons, armor and a whole lot more. In terms of its sheer volume of stuff, the Secret Cave is easily the best lootable spot on the map.

As of now, the Vikendi Secret Cave is only available on PC Test Servers, but it'll likely migrate to live servers, consoles and even mobile over the next few weeks. Its location and entrance method on those platforms should be fairly similar to what it is now.

This Secret Cave is one of the first discoveries of its kind in PUBG history, but it may not be the last. During an interview with Newsweek in December, Art Director and Team Lead David Curd discussed the development team's unique approach to lore.

"There is a lore, but we all prescribe to a 'show don't tell' mentality," he said. "In the environmental set dress we offer little clues, and, because this is an online game that's constantly updated, we're always leaking, adjusting art and adding more lore details and story stuff. We do have stories we're excited to tell." It would appear this hidden cave may have something to do with that unspoken narrative.

PUBG is available on PC, Xbox One and PS4. The Vikendi Secret Cave was discovered in Update 25 that's currently available on PC Test Servers.

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

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